I change my wafer every 6 to 8 days. It hurts to pull it off, so I soften the adhesive my smearing petroleum jelly on the fabric mesh area an hour before I shower. I let it soften up more with warm water while I do my usual showering. Then I slowly peel it from the edges and help it separate from my skin and body hairs by wiping the interface with a soft facial towelette. I typically use sensitive-skin Dove or Oil of Olay towelettes, the kind that are packaged dry and get sudsy with water.

After the wafer is off I let any residues soften up with a couple minutes of warm water over the area. I don't let the water get too hot, though, because I figure that the exposed colon is more delicate than skin. So I try to stay close to body temperature. After the previously covered area has had a good rinse, I get a fresh washcloth soapy with unscented Dove and gently rub the skin to get off all the adhesive and petroleum jelly. I also run the edge of the washcloth along the base of the stoma to remove any residue that built up there.
After a couple of good washes and rinses, I stay in the shower a few minutes longer to let the skin relax and breathe. Then I dry off and dab the skin in the area with another clean, dry washcloth. My new stoma is a couple inches long and hangs down when I'm standing, so I move to my bed where it's in a better position to apply the new wafer.
I like to let the skin air dry for at least fifteen minutes so it's not too pink and raw when I put on the new wafer. I have the wafer opening already cut and then I apply the Adapt paste around the inner edge while I wait. I apply enough paste to cover the few millimeters of exposed skin between the stoma and the semi-rigid wafer. The paste protects the skin from the colostomy output, but the solvents in the paste can also irritate my skin. So I let the paste air out for ten minutes before putting the wafer on.
When the skin is dry and the wafer is ready, I carefully position it to center the stoma in the opening. If the stoma hits against the edges then it'll be uncomfortable as it changes size when stool moves through. And if the gap is too big then skin will be left exposed. I try to keep my belly at a natural position as I stick on the fabric part of the wafer. If I suck in my gut too much then it'll pull when my belly gets full. And if I stick it out too far then the fabric will wrinkle and come loose when the skin contracts.
This routine has been keeping my skin happy and the wafer secure for at least a week at a time. I can usually feel the edges of the fabric and the inner semi-rigid parts loosen up when it gets close to the next changing time. It would probably stay on for longer, but I don't think it's a good idea to leave the area covered and uninspected for much more than a week.
There are various protective skin gels and powders that the ostomy suppliers sell, but every one I've tried has given me a bad and worsening rash. So I find that the best method is to be slow, gentle, and clean. The one exception is when I have a surgical wound or ulcer under the wafer. Then I cover it with Aquacel Ag, a soft fabric that acts like an artificial scab and lets the skin heal without getting further damaged by the wafer. At those times I changed the wafer more often, every 4 to 5 days, to prevent the Aquacel from stewing too long and to check on the healing.
caro rick sono u npaziente come te affetto da cancro al colon e operato venti mesifa. dopo due mesi dall'intervento al colon sono stato operato di tre metastasi epatiche enello stesso tempo mi hanno riscontrato due noduli polmonari sospetti come metastasi. invece di praticare la chemio ho iniziato una terapia con bicarbonato di sodio in vena secondo il protocollo simoncin. dopo tre mesi di terapia le lesioni polmonari sono scomparse come documentato da tac. dopo 10 mesi a successivi controlli mi hanno riscontrato due lsioni epatiche di 23,3 mm e di 18,3 mm.
ho ripreso il bicarbonato di sodio per via venosa e per bocca e dopo 40 giorni ad un controllo ecografico le lesioni si sono ridotte una a 10,3 mm con segni iniziali di necrosi e l'altra si e rodotta a 20 mm. adesso non so cosa penserai . ti ho scritto perche spero che questa mia storia ti possa aiutare. puoi trovare la mia testimonianza su www.curenaturalicancro.org ancora auguri e buona fortuna
I know this sounds crazy but manuka honey works really well in soothing the skin around an ostomy wound. We used it on my brother-in-law and even his nurses were impressed. I also have used on my own wound (a deep cyst) and worked very well in speeding along the healing process. Here is the link but if you're interested in more information about how we used it feel free to send me a private message:
Thanks for sharing the solution of different problems related to sensitive skin of those having Ostomy. People should be more cautious about cleanliness if they are having Ostomy. Anyone with Ostomy can use the Ostomy Lingerie to make their life somewhat easy.
Over and over again I think about these issues. As a matter of fact it was not even yesterday that I last thought about it. To be honest, what is your thought though? https://asbestoscancer.org/stage-four-mesothelioma/
Nice tips for ostomy skin care
Peristomal skin care is an important part of ostomy care
ostomy care has everything to do with peristomal skin care
nice tips for stoma care
Nice article on ostomy paste
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